The IU Fine Arts Theater is at 1201 East 7th Street, on the north side of Showalter Fountain, next to the IU Auditorium. The picture above shows the IU Auditorium on the right and the Fine Arts building on the left. If you are standing in the middle of the fountain, facing the IU Auditorium, the Fine Arts Building is on your left.
The Fine Arts Theater is on the 2nd floor. If you enter opposite the Fountain, enter Fine Arts through the double doors, walk up the stairs, turn right and walk down the hall. At the end of the hallway, look to your right and you’ll see us.
If you are driving, you’ll probably want to park in the Eagleson Ave parking lot (formerly the Jordan Ave lot) opposite the Musical Arts Center. From the 4-way-stop at Eagleson and 7th Street, turn left and walk half a block. The IU Cinema will be on your left. Turn right up the short drive, make your first left and walk down the path toward the east entrance of Fine Arts. (There is a circular drive out front. If you are disabled you can park in the circular driveway next to the entrance.) Enter through the double doors. Upstairs The Fine Arts Theater.
The Radio & Television Theater (RTV 251) is at 1229 East 7th Street, but that address is misleading. Radio & Television is not really on 7th Street–you can’t even see it from 7th Street (because it’s hidden by the Fine Arts Building). Radio & Television is next to Fine Arts and west of Global & International Studies. You’ll see a sign out front — simply walk through the doors, walk up the stairs (or take the elevator to the 2nd floor) and you’ll see us. The important thing to remember is that their are two entrances — one about 20-30 yards from the entrance to Fine Arts (Don’t go in that one) and a second entrance about 60-70 yards from the Fine Arts entrance. (That is the door you want to go through.)
FINE ARTS and RADIO & TELEVISION ARE NEXT DOOR TO EACH OTHER! Radio & TV is immediately north of Fine Arts and, believe it or not, Fine Arts is immediately south of Radio & TV. Here’s a campus map.

On weekends during Ryder films you can park in the Eagleson Avenue lot, more or less across the street from the MAC (lower right, shaded in gray on the map). Parking is free and you do not need an IU parking sticker. Just to be clear – this is only during Ryder weekend screenings. If you ever should receive a ticket, just let us know and we will get it expunged from your record, along with any other non-Ryder-related misdemeanors that you may have acquired on your journey through life.
Bear’s Place, 1316 E. Third St., (812) 339-3460. For many years we screened films at Bear’s Place on Sunday nights. A Bloomington landmark, at least for those of a certain age and sensibility, Bear’s is closed, indefinitely and possibly forever. And so everything that follows, at least for the time being, is irrelevant.
Bear’s Place is located just west of the corner of Third and Eagleson, across from the IU campus. You can order food and drinks at Bear’s Place prior to the movie. Bear’s is all-ages during Ryder films; please note however that you must be 21 to order drinks. The ambiance and conviviality at Bear’s is not unlike that of a European cabaret. There is a parking lot in back which can be accessed off Eagleson.